Got leaves? City rules for disposal

If you're an Eagle Nest resident, you know this time of year means raking leaves -- even if you don't have any big trees in your yard!

Through Dec. 2, the City of Indianapolis will continue its weekly curbside leaf pickups. Residents are allowed to put out a maximum of 40 bags (plastic or paper) per week. Bags should weigh no more than 40 pounds.

Noelle Malatestinic, the neighborhood's liaison to Mayor Greg Ballard's office, said bags should be stacked at least 3 1/2 five feet away from garbage cans or recycling carts. Further, leaves need to be in bags. Pickup crews will not accept garbage cans filled with unbagged leaves.

If you use the large paper lawn bags, be sure to check the weather forecast before leaving them out overnight. Paper bags tend to lose their integrity in rain, resulting in breakage -- and garbage haulers don't alway pick up after such messes.

Questions? Contact the Noelle at (317) 327-5580, or check the city's website at


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