Board Update: Pool Party with free food, new fob access, cleanup crew recap; Annual Garage Sale June 7-8; dues deadlines approaching and more!

Hello, Eagle Nesters! The Board hopes your spring is off to a great start. It’s hard to believe with all the cold, rainy weather of April that the Pool will be open in barely a month. In preparation for that, it’s time to share a few updates about the 2024 swim season:

Nearly a dozen residents turn out to deep clean the Pool

A huge thanks goes out to the volunteer team led by Bittern Lane residents John and Cindy Spicklemire for organizing a deep clean of Pool facility on Saturday, April 27. The team of 12 spent hours power washing the chairs to address years of sunblock stains and removing wall grime, while others pulled weeds, cleaned the tables and swept up debris. In return, the Board brought in Jimmy John’s sandwiches, chips and water to keep our cleaning crew fueled up. That was a small price to pay for what would have cost thousands of dollars in labor and time to hire a contractor to do the same work.

Be sure to give these neighbors a hearty thanks for their cleanup efforts: John, Cindy and Michael Spicklemire; Tom and Cindy Corbett; Kevin and Bonnie Caudell; Todd and Rokeena Williams; Tammy Taylor; Sandi Warren; and Board member Brian Schneider.

It’s volunteer efforts by caring residents like this that continue to make Eagle Nest one of the best neighborhoods around! Thank you!

Coming May 27: Pool Party, free food, beverages and fun!

Now that our Pool is sparkling clean, plan to join us for our 2024 Pool Party: Memorial Day, Monday, May 27. Once again, we’ll have a giant spread of hotdogs, bagged chips, popsicles, lemonade, water (and maybe a few beers) to welcome residents back to our wonderful facility. If you attended last year, you’ll remember our Social Committee led by Board Member Brigette Stephens did a fantastic job kicking off our pool season – and it’s time for an encore!

New this year at the Pool: Fob swipe for entrance security

You spoke, and we listened! In recent years, the Board has received increasing feedback and requests to better secure our Pool facility for residents. To gauge interest, the Board ran a series of newsletter surveys seeking input about installing a security swipe system to secure the entry. More than 80% of responding residents were in favor of implementing such a system.

As a result, the Board voted unanimously earlier this year to retrofit the main gate with a fob swipe system for use this Pool season. Watch your snail mailbox in late May for a letter containing a full Q&A and an acceptance letter. Fast facts:
  • Each lot will receive one fob for use.
  • Fobs can be picked up opening weekend (Residents in good standing and dues paid only)
  • Lot owners will need to sign an acceptance letter from our KSN legal counsel.
  • A security camera will be added to monitor the gate entry.
  • Access will be controlled by the Board, based on account status/dues and lot violations.
Kiddie Pool Wall Art Contest update

Thanks to residents Marcella Kates and Angela Fischer for submitting their families’ illustrations for our Kiddie Pool Wall Art Contest. We’re talking about some very creative artwork, too! Submissions to date are shown at the right:

Our next steps: Find neighborhood volunteers with art experience who can help transfer the illustrations onto the wall. We’re a volunteer neighborhood association, as you know, so we don’t have high-tech tools to make perfect reproductions, but we’ll do our best to recreate the submitted concepts. If you’re interested in helping or have resources we could use, please contact Board President Scott Thien at

Hague Road entrance sign awaiting insurance processing

Unfortunately, the Board doesn’t have any news to share about the Hague Road sign destroyed in a car accident in early April. We’re still waiting for the processing of our insurance claim, and that has delayed removal of the debris. The responsible driver did not have a valid driver’s license or car insurance, so we have a lot to work through. The sign will be replaced at some point, though likely smaller and set back so it doesn’t impede sight lines for traffic. (Longtime residents will remember our sign was installed before Hague Road was widened, expansion that ate away at our frontage.) We appreciate residents’ patience and will share more information when available.

Paid your annual dues yet? If not, late fees begin soon

Wednesday, May 1, is the payable date for your $475 annual dues. Residents have 30 days to bring their account current. After that, the following late fee structure applies:
  • After May 31, 2024, dues are $500.
  • After June 15, 2024, dues are $525.
  • After July 1, 2024, dues are $550. At that point, all unpaid lots will be referred to our attorney for collections. Residents are responsible for all attorney fees and a 6% interest charge.
All residents should have received a mailed invoice in February, and those who have a current email on file should have received two electronic payment reminders.

Please note that your access to Clubhouse rentals and Pool fob use will be restricted until your account is paid in full (and check or electronic payment has cleared). Questions? Email

In other news:

Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale is June 7-8: This long-running event usually draws a fair amount of traffic, so start clearing out those attics and basements now and get ready to make a little extra cash! To attract pass-through traffic, the Board will promote the event on neighborhood news websites, as well as our Facebook page (Do you follow us? You should!)

Annual Meeting and Board Election is June 26: Our Annual Meeting and Board Election is June 26. Four Board seats will be up for election, so if you’re interested please reach out to Scott Thien at for more details. Check the Events tab on our blog for a listing of all upcoming neighborhood events.

Please mow your grass! We know frequent rains make that difficult, but a growing number of homeowners need to address their yards as soon as possible. This is especially true for those with exploding dandelions and other weeds. Overgrown lots are an eyesore and could result in a violation letter and possible engagement with our legal counsel. Left unattended too long, the Board could hire a contractor to mow and send the bill to the homeowner. We hope it won’t come to that, of course. Please take a moment and make sure your lot isn’t on our naughty list.

Wallet found near intersection: Did you or someone you know lose their wallet last weekend? A resident found one at the intersection of Teel Way and Warbler Way with a significant amount of cash inside but no ID. If it's yours, contact Board President Scott Thien at to describe the wallet and tell how much cash was inside.

Submit exterior lot improvements for approval: If you’re planning any external home improvements – installing fences, decks or sheds, changing your house color, replacing a roof or driveway, etc. – you need to get Board approval before work begins, per Section 6A(i) of the Association’s Rules and Restrictions. Few projects are rejected; we just want to ensure changes conform with the neighborhood’s aesthetics and our legally binding controlling documents. Click here to learn how to submit a request.

As always, the Board welcomes your feedback and questions. We’re volunteers and residents just like you, and we all want the best for our wonderful neighborhood!

On behalf of the Board,
Scott Thien, President


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