Crime watch alert: Forced entry, robbery thwarted in Hunter's Ridge

A resident in Hunter's Ridge, north of 86th Street between Hague and Sargeant Road, recently was the victim of a forced entry and attempted robbery. The following BRAG Crime Watch Alert was posted June 8, 2012, and forwarded to area neighborhood associations:

"Early morning on Friday of last week (6/1/12), I was alone at home and still in bed. The door bell rang but as a rule, I don't answer the door to strangers or solicitors. I then heard what sounded like my husband coming home early from a trip and thought he had rang the bell to alert me. The noises were loud but just sounded like him bringing in luggage and a metal case he carries. Then, to my surprise, a stranger walked into my bedroom carrying what looked like a clip board or small flat case. Not noticing me, he crossed to my side of the bed and opened my jewelery box. When I stirred he turned and faced me. Luckily he was so startled that he ran back out the front door. He had used a small crowbar to break the door jam and push in the door. He was a medium built white male wearing khaki pants and a dark red top and was rather nice looking. I called 911 and they took my report. The police indicated that this is a pattern they have seen in the past week or so.

Editor's note: When a would-be burglar does not get a response from ringing the door bell or knocking, they assume no one is home. It may be better to shout through the door and ask who it is (or turn on lights if dark outside). If the person outside does not give a proper answer, shout that you are calling police and call 911 immediately."



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