Burglary reported in Copperfield neighborhood near Eagle Nest

According to the BRAG Crime Watch Coordinator, a break-in was reported in the afternoon of Sunday, Aug. 12, in the Copperfield neighborhood, which is immediately south of Eagle Nest. The targeted home was on Micawber Circle (the house backs up to Hague Road).

According to BRAG, the resident left to go to the store about 1:30 p.m. that afternoon. While she was gone burglars had broken in and stolen her TV, jewelry and some credit cards. When the resident returned, she noticed that her side door leading into her garage was open. The burglary happened while neighbors were home and some even were outside working in their yards.

This incident is a reminder to all Eagle Nest residents to keep a watchful eye on your property and those around you. Thankfully, Eagle Nest has been relatively immune to criminal activity over the years, but this incident shows it literally is in our backyard. If you see anything suspicious, do not hesitate to call police at 911

To track real-time police and emergency runs in Indianapolis, bookmark IndyStar.com's 911 page at http://www.indystar.com/911


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