Crime prevention presentation at Clubhouse; county officials offer tips

A handful of Eagle Nest residents gathered at the Clubhouse on Nov. 7 to hear two Marion County deputy prosecutors share their property crime prevention tips.

Daphne Whitmire and Amie Martens are part of the Multi-jurisdictional Offender Strategy Team (MOST), which encourages Marion County residents to proactively prevent crime, particularly through landscaping and marking or engraving possessions.

Whitmire and Martens showed slides of homes with good and bad landscaping and lighting. Attendees  signed up for an invisible pen to mark their possessions, and they registered for a special code for their possessions that could be identified if stolen. Attending residents also received a sticker to put on their front door noting that their possessions were coded. Whitmire and Martens also advised residents that the prosecuter’s office has an engraving machine that neighborhoods can use.

Both deputy prosecutors emphasized that the best crime prevention was knowing your neighbors and being aware of what’s going on in the neighborhood.

If you would like more information about the neighborhood's Crime Watch program, call coordinator Charlotte Lyle at 842-2360.

-- By Alice Miley


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