Could you be a target for crime?

Do you want to learn how you can protect your home and personal property and increase the safety in our neighborhood?

The Binford Redevelopment and Growth Association (BRAG) is hosting a free anti-crime seminar Wednesday, Feb. 20, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., at St. Mathhew's Church, 56th and Binford Blvd.

The event is presented by the Multi-Jurisdictional Offender Strategy Team (M.O.S.T.) and will be conducted by Marion County Deputy Prosecutors Annie Martens and Daphne Whitmire.

Questions? Call organizers at (317) 327-3542.

BRAG is sponsoring this event but Eagle Nest residents still can benefit because crime knows now boundaries. Mark your calendars and plan to attend!


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