Eagle Nest dues letters mailed

By now, all Eagle Nest residents should have received their 2013 Annual Dues Letter in mail. And there's good news: The amount due has been reduced! Well sort of ...

The ENPOA Board of Directors was able to offer a $40 credit to each homeowner, resulting in a total dues amount of $350. That's the lowest dues have been in nearly a decade!

This is a one-time credit, however, and cannot be guaranteed in the future, given unforeseen budgetary needs. The regular dues amount of $390 was set by previous ENPOA boards, yet through diligent cost containment and effective management your directors have been able to offer credits the past three years.

Please note: Dues are due by May 1. If payment is not received by June 1, ENPOA will turn your account over to our attorney for collection and a late fee and interest will be charged. Once the account is transferred to the lawyers, it's out of our hands -- and could be quite expensive for those who don't pay on time.

Your ENPOA board realizes times are tough and hopes this year's dues credit will help ease the financial strain some residents may be feeling. The board is confident this reduction will in no way impact the services or quality of living our neighborhood has to offer.

 If you have not received your dues letter, please contact ENPOA Secretary Chris'e Van Meter at (317) 600-2870 or at enpoa_sec@att.net


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