Eagle Nest Activities Coordinators introduced

     Angi Corkwell and Kelly Wright have volunteered to work as Activities Coordinators for Eagle Nest.  Many activities have been planned for this year, and the hope is that more Eagle Nest neighbors will get to know each other through these events. The board thanks these volunteers for their efforts in making Eagle Nest a great neighborhood! 

Angela Corkwell (Pictured left)
I was born and raised here in Lawrence, and graduated from Lawrence North.  I am a Ball State Alumni, and currently managing my family business, The Heidelberg Haus. My husband Charlie and I have lived in Eagles Nest since 2005 and have two little girls ages 3 and 6 and a crazy puppy.  I love to travel, spend time with my family, and being outdoors. I am very excited about all the upcoming events that we have planned for this summer season and getting the chance to meet more residents of this awesome neighborhood. 

Kelly Wright
My husband, Eric, and I have lived in the neighborhood for about 7 years, and we have a 6 year old son.  Before I had Logan, I had always worked in planning- everything from events to individual's career and educational goals.  When my son was born, I started a small business where I work from home, which I still operate. My husband is a college professor, and now that our son is in school full time,  I've recently started pursuing my real estate license and am interested in expanding my involvement with our community! 


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