ENPOA seeks Crime Watch coordinator

We live in a great, safe neighborhood. And we'd all like to keep it that way.

Unfortunately, crime knows no boundaries. While Eagle Nest has been fortunate to avoid the chronic crime problems found in surrounding neighborhoods, we aren't immune. We've had our share of problems in recent years, too, mainly break-ins, car vandalism and thefts. In fact, about a month ago, a Bittern Lane resident had her door kicked in one Saturday afternoon, her jewelry stolen and house trashed.

That's why the Eagle Nest board of directors is looking for a Crime Watch Coordinator. We're looking for a volunteer willing to build up, lead and direct our corps of block captains, cultivate relationships with local law enforcement agencies and find ways to engage neighbors to look out for one another.

All this isn't because Eagle Nest has a serious crime problem, because we don't don't. We just want to stay ahead of the problem. In the meantime, the Eagle Nest board is discussing other options, including hiring/resurrecting paid daily/nightly security patrols and membership to the BRAG Crime Watch newsletter.

If you're interested in helping -- or have ideas on how we can improve our anti-crime community -- please contact Scott Thien at 902-3103 or scottthien@comcast.net.

-- Submitted by Scott Thien


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