Pool is green again -- but safe

Yes, the Eagle Nest pool is battling more green algae -- but our facility isn't the only outdoor pool with the problem. Turns out several neighborhoods share our frustration, including Kensington Farms.

It's a bit of a mystery, too, pool manager Susan Anderson says, because just a week ago we closed the pool for 30 hours to chemically "super shock" the water to eliminate the harmless greenish tint. The Marion County Health Department gave the all-clear after analyzing our water, which was never a health issue, before or after treatment.

Nonetheless, Susan closed the pool today (Aug. 14) so her crew could conduct another chemical "super shock," which essentially forces any particulates to the bottom of the pool to be filtered out. The hope is to reopen by mid-afternoon Thursday, but we're not making any guarantees. Even though our pump room and filter system is new from last year, Mother Nature is a tricky thing, especially when you're dealing with an outside water body exposed to pollens, tree debris, bugs, etc.

Further, even though our green water is safe to swim in, our lifeguards can't always see the bottom of the deep end and that's a safety issue and could force a closure.

Susan said another possible source of the contamination could be from kids playing in the creek, then jumping in our pool before properly showering off. Parents, please advise your children to stay out of that water source, which can contain harmful runoffs and other contaminates.

In short, we know the water is green and are working to correct the problem, an issue that crops up the same time every year. Stay tuned to your favorite neighborhood blog for updates.

-- Submitted by Scott Thien


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