Snow is coming -- keep our roads clear

Eagle Nest residents,

As you know, Indianapolis is expecting anywhere from 8 to 12 inches of snow beginning tonight, Saturday, Jan. 4, overnight and into Sunday, Jan. 5.

The Eagle Nest Board requests all residents remove vehicles from the roadways and park them in driveways for the next day. Our snow plow contractor's job is hard enough without having to maneuver around such obstacles.

Neither the Board nor its plowing contractor will be responsible for vehicles that are "plowed in" on streets.

Also, please be patient. We will plow the neighborhood -- twice if needed -- but we have to time the work to the storm. For snow events as big as what is predicted, our contractor will let an accumulation build up before working our neighborhood. It may be hours into the snow before you'll see a plow.

Why? We get charged every time our contractor works the neighborhood; we simply can't afford to clear the roads at every two inches  Not unless you want your dues to increase. We aren't our contractor's only customer, so we'll be in line like everyone else.

In the meantime, if you have questions, compliments or concerns about our snow removal efforts, contact Clubhouse Manager Kelly Wright or Board President Scott Thien.We appreciate feedback so we can work with our contractor to address issues, as warranted.

Lastly, please use extra caution when driving through the neighborhood and allow for extra stopping time at all intersections. The board will order salt for slick spots, as needed. (Click here to read the Eagle Nest snow plowing policy, revised January 2012).

The Board appreciates your patience and understanding. Be safe, and Happy New Year.

-- Submitted by Scott Thien


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