Citizens utility begins lift station replacement project on Warbler Way

As residents along Warbler Way have noticed, Citizens Energy Group has begun a project to replace the aging sewer lift control station on the south end of the street. The project calls for the removal of the control panel box and replacement with an updated, similarly sized unit.

The utility has been granted right-of-way access from neighbors bordering the project. It's possible that the project will require the tear up of pavement in front of the lift station, Citizens officials say, depending on the condition of the feeder sewer lines. It's unclear whether water and sewer service be disrupted at any point during the project.

When completed, the utility will install a privacy fence around the unit and replace landscaping. The project is expected to take three months and will be financed by the utility. No Eagle Funds will be used to support the project.

Residents along Warbler Way were notified by mail about the project a couple months ago.

Please use caution while driving along Warbler near the project area.

-- Submitted by Scott Thien


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