Reminder: Dues late after June 1, unpaid accounts sent for collection

Eagle Nest residents, a reminder that one week from today -- Sunday, June 1 -- is the deadline to pay your annual neighborhood association dues. The total for 2014 is $350, which includes a $40 credit (issued three consecutive years, by the way).

After that, all unpaid accounts will be turned over to our legal representation for collection. Once in the hands of our attorney, the ENPOA Board no longer controls delinquent accounts. Residents will be responsible for legal fees as well as a late fee. Further, any accounts unpaid by June 1 will result in the suspension of neighborhood privileges (i.e. no pool access, no clubhouse access or rental, etc.) until the accounts are brought current with our law firm.

For perspective, five homeowners were unpaid in 2013 -- and those accounts remain in collection status, incurring court costs, legal fees and late fees. From a budget standpoint, those missing funds equal the neighborhood's electricity bill for one month (we pay for streetlights, clubhouse power, pool heater and water pump, lighting of entrances, etc.). That's just a fraction of the monthly/annual costs for our 419-home association, so the Board thanks those who pay on time so everyone can continue to enjoy the neighborhood's amenities without interruption.

At this writing, about 50 homeowners still have not paid their dues. Unfortunately, that is a recent high number for this time of year and if unchanged could jeopardize the discounted rate the entire neighborhood has enjoyed the past three years.

If you haven't paid your dues yet, please do. If mailed, payments must be postmarked no later than May 31 and can be sent to ENPOA, Attn. Secretary/bookkeeper Chris'e Van Meter, 8075 Teel Way, Indianapolis, IN 46256 (please note your lot number on your check; no cash, please). Or, for your convenience, you can drop your payment in our secure mailbox in front of the Clubhouse at the same address.

Thanks for your attention. The Board hopes everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend and enjoys the official start of summer.

-- Submitted by Scott Thien


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