2014-15 Eagle Nest directories have been delivered. Did you get yours?

By now, every resident should have received their complimentary copy of the 2014-15 Eagle Nest Directory. The 63-page booklet features full-color bird/street name list, key school and city numbers, a complete list of residents and lot maps.

If you didn't receive your directory, please contact Secretary/Bookkeeper Chris'e Van Meter at enpoa_sec@att.net.

Also, if you haven't already, the Eagle Nest Board encourages you to enroll in our Constant Contact email blast, a free communication containing summaries of recent blog material distilled down into a convenient, easy-to-digest electronic format. The email blast comes out every month or two, and is a great way to stay in touch with neighborhood news and events.

To enroll, simply email your name, lot number and email address to Secretary/Bookkeeper Chris'e Van Meter at enpoa_sec@att.net and she'll add you to our list of 300+ homeowners. Your email address will not be shared to sold to anyone.

Have a great Labor Day holiday weekend.

Scott Thien, ENPOA President


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