Snow updates: Move vehicles, snowsticks installed, snowmobile trespassing

As  the expected snowfall continues, the Eagle Nest Board reminds residents to remove vehicles from roadways so our plowing contractor can do his job effectively, efficiently and most importantly safely. Vehicles left in the roadway create a hazard for the plowing crews and for other drivers during slick winter conditions. Please be respectful of your neighbors and other motorists and keep our neighborhood roadways clear to maximize safety.

Also, by  now many residents will notice snowsticks along the front of their property lines, at the intersections, near the entrances of all the cul-de-sacs and various curved roadsways throughout the neighborhood. Please do not remove these snowsticks -- the Board spent about $400 in supplies in an attempt to improve winter road safety and protect residents' lot turf during difficult plowing conditions. If you do not want snow sticks on your property, please contact ENPOA President Scott Thien and we will have them removed for you.

Lastly, an Eagle Nest resident recently reported snowmobile tracks across his lawn and several others in the 7700 block of Teel Way. Snowmobiles on city and neighborhood streets are illegal (some county roads and private property are an exception), and such activity essentially is trespassing, vandalism and destruction of property. Residents are urged to call police if they witness such activity. A courtesy email to the Board about similar incidents would be appreciated, too.

Thanks for the ear. Stay warm and be safe.

Scott Thien, ENPOA President


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