Annual meeting, Board elections June 28

Fellow Eagle Nest residents,

This week, all residents will receive a letter in the mail notifying you of the Eagle Nest Property Owners Association’s Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 28, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Clubhouse, The meeting will conclude with the Board of Directors election. All residents in good standing are welcome to attend.

Director positions held by Treasurer Brad Bobich, Judith Buddenbaum and Kim Isaak are opening due to expiring terms. Judith and Kim are seeking re-election; we also have two spots for write-in candidates. Director responsibilities include attending monthly board meetings (held Sunday evenings), voting on key neighborhood business and coordinating various assigned projects. Each new or re-elected Director will serve a two-year term, a volunteer post lasting until June 2017.

If you would like to run for the Board, please email your name, lot number and a short bio to Board President Scott Thien at and you will be featured on our blog for residents to consider.

In the meantime, the Board would like to thank outgoing Vice President and longtime resident Mike Lathrop for his invaluable Board service the past several years. Mike was instrumental in enforcing our neighborhood controlling documents through his vigilant work issuing warning letters and violation notices, an important job that helped ENPOA maintain the highest community standards of any neighborhood in the area.

The Board also would like to thank former Clubhouse Manager Kelly Wright for her service the past two years. Kelly was instrumental in several landmark projects at the Clubhouse, including installation of our new Playground, the Pool bathroom remodeling project and the refurbishing of the Clubhouse interior. ENPOA’s properties grew stronger through her dedication, leadership and behind-the-scenes efforts.

Finally, the Board extends thanks outgoing Director Brad Bobich for his two years of volunteer service. In addition to his duties as Treasurer, Brad was a key force behind the planning/supervision/completion of our Pool bathroom remodeling project. Brad’s municipal and industry connections helped keep the project on track and resulted in a finished product that Eagle Nest residents will enjoy for decades.

While Kelly and Mike have moved to other neighborhoods, Brad will still be a familiar, friendly neighbor face.

Keep an eye on your mailbox for your official Eagle Nest ballot. Thank you in advance for your participation and for your part in making Eagle Nest the most desirable neighborhood on the Northeastside!


President Scott Thien, 902-3103;
Vice President Jason Van Meter, 755-7550;
Eagle Nest Property Owners Association 
c/o Board of Directors
8075 Teel Way
Indianapolis IN 46256


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