Director resigns from Board; interim replacement elected

Fellow residents,

We have a new interim Board member -- Michael Jackson (Lot 353), of 7712 White Dove Drive. Michael's addition comes after Director Ben Smith resigned last month, citing growing family and work obligations. We thank Ben for his service, of course, particularly his guidance on zoning/construction issues relative to our various Clubhouse improvements and his efforts in helping to enforce our controlling documents. 

Michael attended last month's Board meeting, where he shared his background and then was voted in on an interim basis. His interim term will expire in June 2016, and his seat will be among four up for re-election.

Michael has lived in the neighborhood for 15 years and has three boys, ranging from grade school to high school. A native of North Carolina, Michael earned his MBA from Butler in 2006 and currently works as a marketing director in downtown Indianapolis.

Michael's contact information is listed under "Contacts" in pane to the right. Welcome aboard, Michael!


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