Barking dogs or stray cats a nuisance? Call the Mayor’s Action Center for help

Like mature trees and well-kept yards, pets are common sight throughout our neighborhood. It’s rare for a day to go by without seeing a neighbor or two out walking or running with their pet (or stooping over to clean up after them when doo-ty calls!)

Sometimes things go astray (pun intended) with the occasional wandering cat, barking or nuisance dog, or those surprise remains found on front lawns. Unfortunately, the Eagle Nest Board has no control over such matters – but the City of Indianapolis does. To file a complaint or report about animals and related issues, contact the Mayor's Action Center for help:
If you are having problems with a resident’s animals, the neighborly thing to do is to discuss your concerns with the resident first. Sometimes, people aren’t aware their pets are a nuisance. However, if you continue to experience problems, the Mayor’s Action Line is a next step. For reference, following are highlights of relevant City Codes and associated fines:

Sec. 531-102. -- Animals at large prohibited, penalties
(a) An owner/keeper of an animal violates City Code if that animal is at large in the city.
(b) The first violation in any 12-month period result in payment of the designated civil penalty. Subsequent violations in a 12-month period are subject to the enforcement procedures and a fine of not less than $100 per violation.
(c) If, while the animal is at large in violation of this section at a location other than its owner's or keeper's property or in the public right-of-way, it:
(1) Attacks another animal; or
(2) Chases or approaches a person in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack; then a fine of not be less than $250 shall be imposed, or $500 if another animal or person is injured as a result of the animal's actions. If the violation results in serious injury to any person, the court upon request shall order the animal forfeited and/or destroyed.

Sec. 531-203. -- Dog and cat curbing requirements
(a) No person keeping a dog or cat shall knowingly allow their pet to defecate or urinate on a public street, byway, municipally owned or public land or building, or upon private property, in the city without prior permission of the owner of such property. However, if an animal defecates on these properties, the owner/keeper promptly shall remove any feces to a waste container, or otherwise dispose of such material in a manner inoffensive to reasonable public sensibilities.
(d) Violators shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $25.

Sec. 531-204. -- Animals causing nuisance prohibited
(a) It is illegal for a person to own or keep any animal which by frequent or habitual howling, yelping, barking, screeching, etc. shall seriously annoy or disturb anyone in the vicinity.
(b) Violators shall be subject to at least a $25 fine for the first offense. Subsequent or continued violations may result in the impoundment of the animal.


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