About those blue garbage roll carts ...

Happy New Year, fellow Eagle Nest residents. The Board hopes everyone is off to a safe and healthy start in 2018 -- and that everyone is staying warm in these unusually cold temperatures. The good news: The Pool opens in less than five months! Hang in there!

In the meantime, the Board would like to raise awareness about an ongoing neigborhoodwide issue with the blue garbage and recycling roll carts. When Republic Services switched to the automated pickup of roll carts, residents greeted the news with mixed reaction. Some welcomed the large capacity bins as an easy way to dispose of more debris, while others considered them a trashy eyesore (no pun intended). For many, it was a challenge to find adequate storage space in already full garages or other areas out of view.

Unfortunately, some residents have made it a habit of storing their carts in the open -- in the driveway, on front sidewalks, or on the front corner of a garage in plain view of the development. Not just once in a while -- permanently. Such placement violates our Declarations of Restrictions (Section 5F), one of the legally binding documents that governs our development.

Sure, the Board understands it takes time to get situated, but the roll carts have been around for more than a year now -- and residents we've heard from say it's time to clean house. We're not talking about one or two houses with carts in plain view; a recent inspection of the development found more than 50 homes in violation.

So, starting this month, the Board will begin issuing warnings to any lot with a trash or recycling roll cart stored openly and in view of the development more than three days after weekly pickup. Sure, we understand that life happens, that people go on vacation, that neighbors forget to put them away when you can't. That's why we're going to allow three occurances in a two-month period.

If a resident receives a fourth violation letter during that time, they will not be considered a resident in good standing and will lose eligibility for the 2018 dues credit. Lots that receive four violation letters after the 2018 dues are paid will not be eligible for a credit the following year.

We know putting the carts away may be inconvenient, especially during inclement weather, but your Board is charged with enforcing our covenants to promote resident harmony and foster an environment that protects property values. Storing overflowing garbage carts for all to see doesn't help on either of those fronts.

Please do your part: Remember to put your garbage roll carts away and out of sight, and remind your neighbors to do the same. Thank you for your cooperation!

The Eagle Nest Board


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