ATT plans installation of fiber optic cables in parts of Eagle Nest

See this orange card? If you found one staked in your yard or in a neighbor’s, it’s a sign that AT&T is planning installation of fiber optic cables in your area soon, possibly in the next two weeks.

According to the contractor, the cables will be buried in the easements or public right-of-way areas from the street to the rear of some properties, mostly in the southern (newer) part of the neighborhood. AT&T will strive to minimize disruption to landscaping, and all affected digging areas will be restored with regrading, grass seed and straw.

Property owners should note that if you have fences, sheds or landscaping blocking access to affected areas, you may be responsible for removal and replacement in order for the utility to gain access. The ENPOA Board has no authority to prohibit installation or grant exceptions in these installation areas.

If you have questions, call the AT&T contractor at (734) 351-8930 or check AT&T’s FAQs at


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