Happy Easter!

The Eagle Nest Board wishes everyone a Happy Easter, and we hope your holiday weekend is filled with family, friends and peace! Speaking of Easter, thanks go out to all those families and children who turned out for our annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 14 at the Clubhouse. Despite the cold, damp conditions, we still had a great turnout for an egg hunt and activities inside the Clubhouse (the second year in a row, so let's hope for better weather next year!). It's always fun to meet new neighbors and the next generations of Eagle Nest residents!

Thanks to Social Committee leader Alice Miley for organizing the event! As always, we welcome volunteers to help with our neighborhood social events, so if you're interested please send an email to alicemiley23@gmail.com and we'll get you plugged in.

Be sure to keep an eye on our blog calendar of events so you don't miss out on our neighborhood activities. (Click here to see the list). Happy Easter!

The Eagle Nest Board


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