Pool hours of operation reduced to weekends only through Labor Day

Dear Eagle Nest residents,

Now that summer is winding down and school is back in session, our Pool facility has seen a significant decrease in usage during weekdays. Most days our lifeguard staff (three staffers daily) would only see one or two patrons during the entire nine-hour shift. The Board simply can’t justify spending money on salaries for unused services like that.

As a result, and in keeping with past practice, effective immediately the Pool will only be open weekends and closed weekdays through Labor Day. Weekend hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday, with the first and last half hours of those days reserved for adult swim.

At present, the Pool is scheduled for closure for the season at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 2 (Labor Day).

We realize this may be an inconvenience for some residents, but the Board needs to be good stewards of our financial resources for the benefit of all.

If we encounter an unusually hot weather streak and guards are available, the Board may reopen the facility with reduced afternoon hours. If that happens, we’ll post information about days and times on the blog and Facebook so keep an eye out.

In the meantime, the Board thanks our guard staff for their outstanding services this season. Aside from some initial procedural bumps, our Pool team performed exceptionally well and kept the facility open every day. They operated and maintained a whole new pump room and filtration system (a long overdue equipment replacement for the facility), and they even recorded three “saves” of children accidentally left unattended by adults. Be sure to thank our wonderful guards for their service the next time you visit the Pool.

As always, the Board welcomes your feedback. Feel free to email President Scott Thien at scottthien@comcast.net or interim Pool Manager Samantha Burns at samantha.burns51@gmail.com.

Have a great rest of the summer!

The Eagle Nest Board


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