Board Update: BRAG e-newsletter, Binford Farmers Market, upcoming crime meetings, poll results on dues

Hello Eagle Nest residents, 

Here’s a look at neighborhood news for the week of January 25:


Grab your calendar and make a note: The hugely popular Binford Farmers Market plans a free preview on April 10 in the parking lot of Northview Church, 6620 Northview Way, Indianapolis IN 46220. The public is invited to see a sampling of new and returning vendors this season, including fruit and vegetable farmers, bakery goods, sundries and other local artisan products. The market opens May 1 and runs through October 30. Note: Attendees need to wear masks, per the Marion County order on COVID-19 health and safety protocols. More information is available on Binford Farmers Market website.


Want to know the latest about the Castleton Mall area? Curious about crime stats and development news in our part of the city? Looking for map of walking trails to burn off some COVID-19 tension? Check out the Binford Redevelopment and Growth (BRAG) website for all that and more, including how to sign up for the group’s e-newsletter. (Look for the box at the bottom of the homepage.)

BRAG is a non-profit neighborhood organization committed to the commercial and residential enhancement of Binford Boulevard and adjacent neighborhoods in the northeast corner of Indianapolis. Founded in 2005 by neighbors concerned about the lack of retail services at 71st Street and Binford Boulevard, BRAG has grown into a thriving organization covering 43 neighborhoods. The organization addresses economic and quality-of-life issues facing residents and businesses in the area bound by Sargent Road on the east, 82nd Street on the north, Dean Road on the west and 56th Street, and Fall Creek Road on the south.


Last week’s Constant Contact poll question asked, “Did you know Eagle Nest offers an electronic (ACH) option to pay your annual dues?” The results from our 43 respondents:
  • Yes – 23.3% (10)
  • No – 76.7% (33)
The Board’s take: Since 2018, Eagle Nest has provided an electronic (ACH) option for residents to pay their annual dues. If we have your current email address you will receive an electronic notice about the ACH option (in addition to a U.S. mail letter). ACH processing debits your checking account directly and instantaneously, with no transaction fees. In short, it’s free! The Board understands some folks prefer to pay by credit card, so this year we will accept credit as a payment method. Unfortunately, the credit option means an additional fee of $15 to cover the transaction and processing fees charged by credit card companies. The Board makes no money from these transaction fees – it’s simply the cost of doing business that way. Of course, you also can write a check (or provide a money order) and mail it to ENPOA, 8075 Teel Way, Indianapolis, IN 46256. Coming February 1: Watch your mailbox for your annual dues statement, along with information about how to pay by ACH or credit card. Thanks to the Board’s great stewardship of our resources, Eagle Nest annual dues will remain the same at $400 for the third-consecutive year!


We recently discovered a scheduling conflict for two important crime prevention-related events of interest for our residents next month. On February 2, the first in-person Eagle Nest Crime Watch meeting of the year is scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse (the topic is cybercrime, with complementary individual boxed sandwiches and gift card drawings). That same night at 6:30 p.m., IMPD North District is opening its regular meeting to the public via Zoom. (IMPD leaders will present reports and take questions from the public.)

Which would you like to attend? To gauge interest, we’ve included a poll in our weekly Board Update blast through Constant Contact. Please check your email late tonight (01-25-21) and indicate your preference so we can plan accordingly. And if you don’t receive our weekly Board Updates, now would be a great time to start. Simply send your name and email address to and we’ll add you to our recipients list. (You information will not be shared or sold).

In other news:

Join the Board! In June, the Board will hold annual elections to fill several opening seats. If you’re interested in helping chart the future of the Northeastside’s best neighborhood development, email for information. Responsibilities include attending monthly meetings, voting on neighborhood business and fulfilling committee duties, as assigned.

Fixing street lights: If you spot a dark street light, please report it to IPL. Click this link and fill out few quick questions. You will need to include the pole tag number found at the top near the lighting element. Thanks in advance for your help.

On behalf of the Board,


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