Board Update: Please move your vehicles before storm hits, North Shadeland Alliance e-newsletter, status of downed streetlight

As you know, Indianapolis is expecting its first major snowstorm of the season beginning Wednesday night, Feb. 2, through Thursday, Feb. 3. To help ensure the safety of residents, the Board requests residents remove all vehicles from the roadways and courts so our plowing contractor can work quickly and efficiently.

Neither the Board nor its plowing contractor will be responsible for vehicles that are "plowed in" on streets because they weren’t moved. In addition, any vehicle that poses a safety hazard – particularly those on curves or at intersections – will be towed in the interest of public safety.

Please spread the word. If your neighbor routinely parks in the street, please help us and ask them to move their vehicle(s) for the sake of our community. We realize it may be a temporary inconvenience, but nobody likes having to navigate around dangerous snow mounds left by cars during deep-freeze months.

Also, please be patient. We will plow the neighborhood -- twice if needed -- but we have to time the work to the storm. For snow events as big as what is predicted, our contractor will let an accumulation build up before working our neighborhood. It may be hours into the snow before you'll see a plow.

Why? We get charged every time our contractor works the neighborhood. We simply can't afford to clear the roads at every two inches. In addition, we aren't our contractor's only customer, so we'll be in line for service like everyone else.

Lastly, please use extra caution driving through the neighborhood and allow for extra stopping time at intersections. The Board will order salt for slick spots, as needed.

Questions, compliments or concerns about our snow removal efforts? Contact Clubhouse Manager Kelly Dentler or Board President Scott Thien. The Board appreciates your patience and understanding. Stay safe!


Stay on top of hyper-local news, business and crime developments in our area – subscribe to the North Shadeland Alliance (NSA) newsletter. Highlights of recent posts at

Roots Burger Bar now open: Read the backstory of the newest Scotty’s restaurant venture – now open for in-person dining – at 71st and Binford Blvd. Read more.

New Shadeland Station salons: Two new salons – Key2Locz and Beauty, Brows, & Beyond – have opened doors for business in the commercial plaza at 75th and Shadeland Ave. Read more.

Want more? Click here to subscribe to the alliance’s email blast. You also can follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


DAMAGED STREET LIGHT: Several residents have asked about the downed streetlight in the 7800 block of Teel Way. IPL is aware of the damage, but we are waiting on the responsible motorist’s insurance company to complete its claim before repairs can be completed. We appreciate your concern and will continue to push for replacement as soon as possible.

TRASH CARTS: A reminder to put your trash and recycling roll carts away after Tuesday collections (ideally in your garage or in the back of your home). It’s not just a courtesy to keep our neighborhood from looking trashy -- our Declarations of Restrictions (Section 5F) prohibit storing trash receptacles within view of the development. Thank you for your cooperation!

On behalf of the Board,
Scott Thien, President


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