Board Update, 05-22-23: Pool opening, tags in mail; annual Garage Sale; dues deadline June 1; Annual Meeting and Board Election June 15

Summer unofficially begins Memorial Day weekend, and that means our Pool facility will be opening for the season. Our main and wading pools have been power-washed and filled, and our guard team will be working to balance the chemicals this week. Weather permitting, we are targeting noon Sunday for opening, but watch the Eagle Nest blog and our Facebook page for the official day and time.

For 2023, hours of operation will be noon to 8 p.m. daily.

We have a great lifeguard team in place again this year. Their No. 1 charge? Safety. When it comes to rules, what our guard staff says goes. No exceptions. Violators will be ejected and referred to the Board for further action. Bottomline: This is a family-oriented neighborhood facility, not a public pool playhouse, and want to keep it enjoyable for all.

If you paid your dues by May 12, watch U.S. mail this week for your pool tags and a copy of the rules. If you paid after that, your tags may be delayed as we process those who paid on time first. We expect and appreciate your patience, too, as we have limited administrative staff to manage 419 lots, especially when dozens of residents pay at the last minute. We’re not Amazon, so instantaneous processing and delivery is not possible for our Association. We expect and appreciate your patience on that front.

Lastly, if your lot has any violations – including storing your garbage carts in the open, or substandard lot maintenance – Pool tags and Clubhouse rental privileges will be withheld until the violation(s) is corrected. Questions about that? Contact Board President Scott Thien at

Last call for dues: Final deadline is June 1
Speaking of dues, a sincere thank you to all residents who have paid their annual dues so far. Your timely payment helps keep the street lights on, the common areas mowed, landscaping maintained and more.

Unfortunately, as of May 12, about 65 homeowners still haven’t paid up, and that could be costly for some. After June 1, all unpaid lots are officially delinquent and will be forwarded to our legal collection agency for processing. Once we forward your account, it’s out of our hands, including related late fees, legal processing fees and court costs. If you’re still unpaid, please drop your payment in our Clubhouse mailbox this week or get it postmarked by June 1.

Questions about your account? Email Secretary/Admin Lead Chris’e Van Meter at

Coming June 2-3: our Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale
That’s right, get in on the biggest yard sale on the Northeastside! Our annual Neighborhood Garage Sale is set for Friday, June 2, and Saturday, June 3. Hours of operation are at the discretion of participating neighbors, but usually 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The dates were chosen to coincide with surrounding neighborhood association sales in hopes of luring more traffic. The event will go on rain or shine.

To help promote the event, the Eagle Nest Board placed ads in local event websites, social media and your favorite neighborhood blog. Residents are encouraged to put signs in their yards or balloons on mailbox posts to signal potential buyers. Please refrain from placing signs in the entrance medians or in areas that block traffic sightlines.

Good luck with your sales!

Annual Meeting and Board Election set for June 15
As previously posted on our blog site, the Annual Meeting and Board Election is set for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 15, at the Clubhouse. The meeting is open to all lot owners, but only residents in good standing (aka no violations and dues paid) can cast votes.

Two Board seats are up for grabs this year – terms for Helen Galvin and Susan Millander end in June. Both members plan to run for re-election.

Ballots will be mailed in June. Write-in candidates will be accepted, but nominees must be at the Annual Meeting to accept their nomination.

To submit your candidacy, email your name, contact information, lot number and a short paragraph (200 words or so) with your “platform” of neighborhood goals and what skills/experience you offer to Board President Scott Thien at for posting on the blog. Questions? Email

Before you build that fence or shed …
A reminder that all lot improvements – including fence or shed installations, driveway or roof replacements, house color changes, etc. – must be approved by the Board before work begins, per 6A(i) of our Declaration of Restrictions. Click here for more information and instructions on how to submit a lot improvement request.

A word or two about dead trees …
Now that spring is well underway, it’s easy to see where the dead or dying trees are in the neighborhood. If that sounds like your lot, a reminder that our Declaration of Restrictions 3J(iv) states dead trees must be cut down to ground level and removed.

The reason is two-fold: maintain the neighborhood’s aesthetics and protect the safety of residents and neighboring properties. Falling dead tree limbs, depending on size, location and elevation, can cause serious damage. And nobody wants that.

Please survey your lot and take corrective action, as needed, to avoid potential entanglements with insurance companies (or worse, the hospital). The Board endorses (but does not require) replacing removed trees with new plantings to keep our neighborhood looking beautiful.

On behalf of the Eagle Nest Board,
Scott Thien, President


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