Snow is coming, so a few friendly reminders ...

As the official start of winter approaches, the Eagle Nest Board would like to remind residents of a few courtesy requests and protocols when snow is predicted:

What residents should do:
> Please move your vehicles out of the street and into your driveway or garage so that our snow contractor has unobstructed pathways to plow. The Board is not responsible for any "plowed" in vehicles or damage that may occur during plowing work. (Also of note: Any vehicle considered a road hazard or that remains parked in the same spot for more than 48 hours can be towed.)

> Do not park on curves (Tanager Lane) or near any of the stop sign intersections. We need to ensure motorists have clear navigation routes and visibility. Obviously, this request is in the interest of safety.

> If you live on a corner lot, it would be helpful to put vertical snow sticks along the curb so our plowing contractor can do the most efficient job.

> Neither our plowing contractor nor the Board is responsible for old, loose or substandard mailboxes or posts that may be damaged during plowing. If your box or post is in question, the Board recommends you repair or replace it and take pictures to document its condition.

> Use caution when driving through the neighborhood, and allow yourself extra stopping room, especially at the exits.

> Above all, please be patient. It takes time and skill to plow a neighborhood as large as ours.

The Board's snow-plowing policy:
> In general, our plowing contractor will address our  streets for accumulations greater than 2.5 inches, including the cul-de-sacs. For anything less, only the main drags (Teel, Tanager, Mallard, Bittern, Warbler) will be addressed.

> Salt will be used as needed at all intersections, exits and established bus stops.

> The contractor's job is to keep the streets clear, and that may mean multiple passes, forcing  some residents to re-shovel their driveways. While an inconvenience, the reason for multiple passes is simple: The safety of our neighborhood motorists and the ability to access our neighborhood is the No. 1 priority for our contractor and the Board.

> Our contractor has been instructed not to block mailboxes with snow, of course, but sometimes the initial plowing work needs to be done first before any digging our touchup is addressed. This is especially common in the cul-de-sacs. Again, please be patient.

> If you have a complaint or concern, contact Clubhouse Manager Kelly Wright at 847-7928 or You also can contact Board President Scott Thien at (317) 902-3103 or

> Click here for a 2012 posting on cul-de-sac plowing, then click here for key questions and answers about the Snowmageddon of 2014! Who could forget?!

Thanks for your help, patience and understanding. Enjoy the snow!

-- Scott Thien, ENPOA President

P.S. -- Speaking of the winter season, don't forget about the "Cookies with Santa" event  December 7 at the Clubhouse (time TBA). Come meet a live Santa(!), take a fun holiday photo and enjoy some cookies! The event is free, too! (Watch the "Events calendar" for more activities.)


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