Warning to residents; Suspicious person reported on Teel Way

On Thursday, Feb. 5, a resident in the 7600 block of Teel Way reported a suspicious person walking around their house in the afternoon. The homeowners were home at the time, and they thought it might have been a utility meter reader. However, after closer inspection the residents noticed footprints in the snow on the back deck and up to the back door. The resident went outside to investigate and found no footprints near the meter station, indicating the suspicious person was not a utility worker.

The residents think the suspicious person was hoping to find an unlocked door or perhaps an empty house for a smash-and-grab. The residents called police, then emailed the Eagle Nest Board to alert fellow neighbors to be on the lookout.

Luckily, nothing serious happened in this case; Eagle Nest has been fortunate tto avoid the break-ins, vandalism and other problems troubling our surrounding neighborhoods. The Board credits our tight-knit community of residents and their watchful eyes for that, however, crime know no boundaries. Keep you doors and vehicles locked, and turn on exterior lights at night. Most importantly, if you see something suspicious, say something. Call 911.

Scott Thien, ENPOA President


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