
ENPOA Officers & Directors

President: Scott Thien
Phone: (317) 902-3103. Email:
(Board member since 2010. Term expires June 2026)

Vice President: Jason Van Meter
Phone: (317) 755-7550Email:
(Board member since 2012. Term expires June 2026)

Treasurer: Kim Isaak
Phone: (317) 413-9793Email:
(Board member since 2020. Term expires June 2026)

Director: Helen Galvin
Phone: (317) 695-9199Email:
(Board member since 2019. Term expires June 2025)

Director: Susan Millander
Phone: NA. Email:
(Board member since 2022. Term expires June 2025)

Director: Brian Schneider
Phone: (317) 598-8511. Email:
(Board member since 2018. Term expires June 2026)

Director: Brigett Stephens
Phone: (317) 517-0452Email:
(Board member since 2022. Term expires June 2025)

ENPOA Staff 

Clubhouse Manager: Kelly Dentler
Phone: (317) 797-3048  Email:

Bookkeeper/Admin Lead: Chris'e Van Meter
Phone: (317) 600-2870  Email:

Pool Manager: Samantha Burns
Phone: (317) 372-4329  Email:

Neighborhood Committee Heads 

Crime Watch: Dee Armstrong

Blog Editor: Scott Thien, President. Phone: (317) 902-3103. Email:

Facebook Editors:
> Scott Thien, President. Phone: (317) 902-3103. Email:
> Chris'e Van Meter, Bookkeeper/Admin Lead. Phone: (317) 600-2870. Email:

Reviews and Restrictions: Contact Scott Thien at for more information.

Social Committee: Contact Co-Chairs Sarah Craney at and Marcella Kates at

Streets and Sidewalks: Contact Helen Galvin at for more information.

82nd/75th Street entrance landscaping: Contact Clubhouse Manager Kelly Dentler at

Hague Road entrance landscaping: resident Janet Long. Email:

City contacts

Mina Moussa (he/him) | Office of the Mayor
Mayor’s Neighborhood Advocate – Area 1
Office of Mayor Joe Hogsett
City of Indianapolis
200 E. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Mobile: 317-408-1991 | Office: 317-327-5121

Other Important Numbers

Mayor's Action Center: (317) 327-4MAC (4622)
Indianapolis Power and Light: (317) 261-8111
Report dark street lights: (317) 261-8111
Indy pothole hotline: (317) 327-4622 or link
Marion County Sheriff Dept.: (317) 327-3811
Speeders, suspicious activity, IMPD: (317) 327-3811
Republic Waste Service: (317) 917-7302 (Tuesday pickup)
Indy Department of Public Works: (317) 327-8000


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