Reminder to cast your election ballot -- and vote on proposed rule changes

Fellow residents,

A friendly reminder that ballots for our Annual Meeting and proposed neighborhood rules changes are due by 6:30 p.m. Sunday, June 25, at the Clubhouse. Simply drop your signed ballot (with lot number) in the Clubhouse mailbox, and we'll add your vote to the dozens that already have been cast. Or, better yet, hand-deliver your ballot to the Board and stay for our meeting!

It's worth noting that our proposed changes have attracted overwhelming support from those who have cast ballots so far. In fact, voter participation is higher at this point leading up to the election than it has been in recent years, so your Board obviously gotten your attention with our suggested neighborhood rules changes. Many of you were considerate enough to include hand-written comments, and none has been critical of our efforts (so far). A sampling:

  • From the 7800 block of Teel Way: "Keep it up guys! Thanks! We care!"
  • From the 8000 block of Tanager Lane: "This is a great endeavor & much needed! Thank you."
  • From the 8000 block of 82nd Street: "Thank you! We appreciate all the hard work from ENPOA Staff and BODs!"
As we mentioned in the Annual Meeting letter, the reason the Board proposed updating our decades-old controlling documents is to ensure Eagle Nest remains a residential destination, promote resident harmony and protect our property values. Many of these proposed changes stem from suggestions and complaints the Board has received over the past several years, while others are proactive measures to ensure residents’ safety, welfare and well-being. We realize there probably are more issues to address, but this is a good start. Thank you to those who have sent ideas to address next -- keep them coming!

As always, please feel free to contact me or any Board member with your suggestions/comments. We volunteer to serve because, like you, we are residents, and we only want what is best for our wonderful development and all its residents. Thank you for your continued support and for making Eagle Nest the most desirable neighborhood on the Northeastside!

Scott Thien, President

Eagle Nest Board of Directors


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