Eagle Nest Pool opens on Saturday! Pool tags in the mail, arrive Friday!

Eagle Nest residents,

Memorial Day weekend is finally here -- and that means the traditional opening of the Eagle Nest Pool! The facility is scheduled to open (weather permitting) at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 25, and it will be open seven days a week through Labor Day, Sept. 2.

Pool hours: Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., with the first and last half hour reserved for adult swim. Sunday hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Pool tags: All Pool tags have been mailed to residents in good standing and should arrive in a salmon-colored envelope on Friday. If you don't get your tags, please contact Secretary/Bookkeeper Chris'e Van Meter at enpoa_sec@att.net. (Note: If you paid your dues this week you may not receive tags, because we need to ensure all checks clear before issuing. We also focused on processing tags first for those residents who paid their dues in a timely manner, so please keep that in mind for next year.)

Guest passes: Our order of guest passes didn't arrive in time for tag distribution, so we'll have them available for pickup from 1-3 p.m. Sunday, June 2, at the Pool during our Annual Pool Party and Ice Cream Social. If you can't make it, please email Secretary/Bookkeeper Chris'e Van Meter at enpoa_sec@att.net for alternate arrangements.

Pool rules: Before visiting the Pool, please be sure to review the Pool rules posted on the Eagle Nest blog under Pool information.

New entrance: We've moved the main entry point to the west side of the Clubhouse (closest to the Playground) instead of the sloping hill on the east side. You might notice that we recently installed handrails along the stairs for your convenience.

New management: Becca Goldenetz has been hired as Interim Pool Manager. She can be reached by email at rgoldene@purdue.edu. She welcomes your suggestions/feedback for ways to make our facility safe, fun and inviting.

As always, you also can reach our to any Board member if you have questions or concerns.

Happy Memorial Day!

The Eagle Nest Board


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