Monthly Card Game Night kicks off Tuesday, Oct. 10 at Clubhouse

As mentioned earlier this summer, the Board is looking to resurrect a card or board game night for residents. Think bingo, euchre, poker, bridge … you name it, let's gather and play it on the second Tuesday of every month.

We’re kicking things off Tuesday, Oct. 10, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Clubhouse. We’ll start with a short organizational meeting, discuss facility logistics, then get right to the games. Feel free to bring your friends, even if they aren’t Eagle Nest residents. The more the merrier!

If you’re interested in playing or want to help organize, we encourage you to join us Tuesday to learn more. Questions? Contact Social Chair Brigette Stephens at

Be sure the check the blog Events tab for more Clubhouse activities coming soon!


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