Board Update: Beerfest and Chili Cookoff, Wading Pool art contest, Pool Cleanup Day, dues letters, barking dogs, Family Night recap

Happy March, Eagle Nest residents! Here is your monthly neighborhood news summary (We’re trying to get back into a regular cadence of communications, but sometimes life gets in the way, right?). As always, be sure to watch our Eagle Nest blog and Facebook page for the latest updates.

Calling all kid artists: Send us your wall art for the wading pool area!

Have you seen the tired, faded wall art in the kiddie wading pool area? We’d like to spruce that up with a new look this Pool season! Now through March 31, the Board welcomes art submissions from our littlest Eagle Nesters. If your child likes to draw, send us their color illustration (Primary colors only, please, and the simpler the better because we need to transfer the illustration onto the wall.) We’ll pick the best three or four – and your child artist will get to sign the wall, too! Questions? Contact Board President Scott Thien at

Volunteers sought for Neighborhood Pool Cleanup Day

In preparation for our Pool opening, we’re looking for volunteers to staff a Neighborhood Pool Cleanup Day. We’re targeting 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 27 (with a rainout backup of May 4) to sweep, pull weeds and wash the lounge chairs and tables. Can’t stay the whole time? That’s fine – we’ll take whatever time you can spare. Lunch from Jimmy John’s will be provided. It takes a village to keep our community strong, so please consider volunteering. RSVP here to join the cleanup list. Questions? Contact resident organizer Cindy Spicklemire at Thank you!

Chili Cookoff and Beerfest coming fast on March 16

Save the date March 16 (5-9 p.m.): It’s our annual Chili Cookoff and Beerfest, an adult-only event guaranteed to fill your stomach and your soul. 
Bring a crockpot of your best chili for a chance to win a gift card. Resident tasting begins at 5:30 p.m., voting at 6:30 p.m., winners announced at 7:30 p.m. Condiments like crackers, onions and shredded cheese will be provided, along with lemonade and water.

And don’t forget the cold beer to wash it down! Bring a growler (or two) filled with your favorite brew or a six-pack to share with the crowd.

Don’t like beer or don't have chili to enter? Don’t worry – BYOB and stop by anyway for free samples, cast your vote and meet some cool neighbors having a cool time at the Clubhouse. The best part is, it’s a short commute home! RSVP:

Inaugural Family Night at the Clubhouse a hit!

Thanks for the dozens of parents and children who turned out for our first Family Night at the Clubhouse, a playdate event intended to bring parents with small children together to meet, mingle and get our littlest Eagle Nesters out of the house for something free and close! Thanks to organizer Caitlin Johnson, who set up games like Twister, a crawling tunnel, Jenga and coloring stations inside, and a bubble machine for outside. The weather was nice for the event, so the playground was a big hit (It’s great to have such amenities!) There was something to do for all the kids, most of whom were kindergarten age to grade 2 range. Caitlin is open to hosting another event, so if you’re interested in attending or want to help email Caitlin at

Did you receive your dues letter? If not, let us know
The annual dues letters were mailed last month, so if you didn’t get yours yet let us know. Contact Bookkeeper/Admin Lead Chris’e Van Meter at to get your annual invoice. Payments can be made by mail to 8075 Teel Way, or via the secure Clubhouse mailbox at the same address.

As a reminder, dues are payable by May 1, with progressive late fees after that. The good news is, you don’t have to pay your annual association obligation all at once – installment payments are welcome until the due date. Contact Chris’e to make payment arrangements.

In other neighborhood news …

Pool Manager opening: It’s hard to believe, but our Pool opens in less than three months. If you have experience operating and managing a pool our size, we encourage you to apply for this paid seasonal position (May to September). There is a preferred candidate, but we’re always looking to build our bench. We’re on the hunt for lifeguards, too, so please send your referrals. Contact Scott Thien at for information.

Pet owners, a word (or two) about barking dogs

As the nice weather returns, more pets will be spending time outside. But that’s not always welcome or appreciated if your dog barks a lot. We’ve had an increase in noise complaints recently, so we kindly ask that you think of your neighbors before leaving your pets unattended to howl and bark for extended periods, especially late at night. There actually is a city ordinance that includes pet confiscation and fines, so please be considerate of your neighbors. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Annual Meeting and Board Election: Save the date – June 26 is our Annual Meeting and Board Election. Four Board seats will be up for election, so if you’re interested please reach out to Scott Thien at for more details. Check the Events tab on our blog for a listing of all upcoming neighborhood events.

Keep those storm drains clear: As spring draws near, we’re sure to see more storms that means tree debris collecting at sewer drains. If you have a drain near your property, please do the neighborhood a favor and keep the collection point clear to prevent street flooding during storms. The Board thanks you for your help.

Coming next month: We will share plans for a new Pool gate entry system, updates on dues, our DirectorySpot app, upcoming events and more!

Do you have neighborhood suggestions? Reach out to any Board member, or feel free to join us for our next monthly Board meeting March 27 at the Clubhouse (open to all residents in good standing).

On behalf of the Board,
Scott Thien, Eagle Nest President


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