
Showing posts from April, 2012

ENPOA seeks treasurer for neighborhood

The Eagle Nest Property Owners Association has an opening that need immediate filling: Treasurer -- This volunteer position works closely with and reports to the Secretary, and is responsible for keeping the books for neighborhood, checking the secretary's work, processing checks and bills, managing the budget, assisting in tax return preparation and other related duties. The treasurer's role was formerly held by Chris'e Van Meter, who recently resigned to accept the role of Secretary/bookeeper after resident Lynne Burns resigned for personal reasons. Note: Annual neighborhood dues will be waived if the treasurer is elected to the Eagle Nest board. If you are interested, please contact ENPOA vice president Scott Thien at or by cell, 902-3103.

A word (or two) about garage sales ...

Spring is here (well, at least allergy season is) and that means garage sales will be popping up throughout our neighborhood. A few friendly reminders from the Eagle Nest Property Owners Association board: > No signs shall be affixed to neighborhood lights, utility poles, traffic signs or vehicles. > Signs can be displayed in homeowner yards 24 hours before and on the day of the sale and must be removed promptly when the garage sale is over. > Signs should be set back a minimum of four feet from the street. > Signs shall not restrict the view of a vehicle or pedestrian on any street or intersection of streets within Eagle Nest. > Signs are NOT permitted in the common areas of the entrances at Hague Road, 75th Street and 82nd Street. Only signs approved by Dave Sagers, chairman of Eagle Nest's Restriction and Review Committee, may be placed in these areas. > Residents can only have two garage sales at the same location per calendar year, per municipa...