
Showing posts from January, 2015

Clubhouse Manager Kelly Wright to resign; Board accepting applications

The Board is sad to announce that Clubhouse Manager Kelly Wright has decided to move on and resign from her role as of March1, 2015. When Kelly and her family move to Florida in the spring, she will leave behind two years of hard work and accomplishments that will hard to match by her successors: the relocation and installation of a new playground; dozens of Social Committee events, which she helped spearhead and drew hundreds of residents; a massive Clubhouse remodeling project (pool bathrooms) and updating of the Clubhouse interior (including the installation of our big-screen TV); continued vigilance of our beautiful common grounds; and aggressive marketing of our Clubhouse to increase rentals, among others things. Indeed, Kelly set the expectations bar high for future Clubhouse managers. Thank you, Kelly, for all you've done for our neighborhood, and best of luck in your next adventure! That said, the Board is now accepting resumes from interested candidates for the Clubhou...

Happy New Year -- and word about moving vehicles before snowplowing

Belated Happy New Year from the Eagle Nest Board! We hope everyone is off to a great start -- and staying warm! -- in 2015, and we look forward to seeing you at our many neighborhood events planned throughout the year. Now that the season's first significant snowfall has passed and the city has returned to its normal routine, the Board would like to thank our many residents for keeping the streets clear of vehicles during the initial snowfall. Roadways free of obstacles mean more efficient -- and safe -- performance by our plowing contractors, and results in a safer neighborhood to navigate. Of 419 homes in our neighborhood, only five or six lots failed to move their vehicles before the snowfalls. Granted, some residents may have been out of town or unable to move their vehicles before snow hit; that's understandable. However, a reasonable amount of time since has passed, and the Board expects immediate attention to these "plowed in" vehicles. This week, the Boa...