
Showing posts from October, 2015

Reminder: Notify/seek Board approval before making any lot improvements

Fellow residents, As you may have noticed during recent months, several homeowners throughout the development have made various improvements to their properties. The Board encourages such efforts, of course, because it helps increase the value of our properties and the overall aesthetic appeal of the neighborhood. The issue, however, and the impetus for this blog post, is to remind residents that the Board must be notified in advance and seek approval for all improvements, regardless of scope, size or cost. It’s not a control freak issue -- we simply live in a neighborhood governed by legally binding documents called the Rules and Restrictions, By-laws and Articles of Incorporation. Every homeowner was provided copies by your realtor or bank as part of your signed deed, making them a contract. The documents give the Board the right and responsibility to approve or deny all lot improvements. So what qualifies as an improvement? Basically, it’s anything you do to the visible ...

Save the date: EagleFest set for October 24

You've heard of Octoberfest, right? Well, our neighborhood is putting on the first annual EagleFest, a BYOB evening event (adults only) at 7 p.m. October 24 at the Clubhouse. It's a prequel to our hugely successful Beer Fest in late January, so here's the drill: Bring your own growler or wine bottle filled with your favorite beverage, maybe a side dish to share, a friend or a neighbor, and commence to enjoy all the goodness that is living in Eagle Nest. The ENPOA social committee will provide Jet's Pizza, brownies, and light munchies. What other fun could there be besides beer, pizza and great neighbors? Card games and other games will be available for attendees. So remember: 7 p.m. October 24 at the Clubhouse. Join us for a fun and relaxing fall neighborhood party. See you then! The Eagle Nest Board