Board Update: Cleaning up a trashy neighborhood look, Meet the Neighbors series needs you, safety poll results

REMINDER: STORE YOUR GARBAGE ROLLCART OUT OF SIGHT Now that the nice weather is here (hopefully to stay!), we know more residents have been cleaning out garages and getting a jump on yard work. Unfortunately, more residents have made a habit of storing their Republic trash and recycling roll carts in the open -- in the driveway, on front sidewalks, or on the front corner of a garage in plain view of the development. Not just once in a while, but all the time. Such placement violates our Declarations of Restrictions (Section 5F), one of the legally binding documents that governs our development. We're not talking about one or two houses with carts in plain view; a recent inspection of the development found more than 50 homes in violation. That’s not a good look for the neighborhood. Kind of trashy, actually (pun intended). Sure, we understand life happens, that people go on vacation, that neighbors forget to put them away when you can't. We know that putting the carts away may b...