Board Update: Labor Day Dog Swim, free snow cones, recycling pickup resumes, Chef TLC coming Tuesday

Hello Eagle Nest residents, Here is the latest neighborhood news for the week of August 30: FINAL WEEK FOR POOL OPERATION – FUN LABOR DAY EVENTS! A reminder that that this is the final full week of operation for our community Pool. Hours are 4-8 p.m. Monday through Friday, and noon to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The last day of operation will be Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6. Hours will be noon to 6 p.m., so join us for one last summer dip in the Pool! To celebrate the holiday, the Board is excited to announce the following events: NEW ALL-DOG SWIM: Here’s a family photo op you don’t want to miss: Bring your dog for a dip in Pool on Labor Day! That’s right, after our community Pool closes for the season at 6 p.m., Monday, Sept. 6, pet owners are welcome to bring their furry family members for a swim in the main and baby wading pools, from 6 to 7 p.m. only. All owners must present proof of rabies vaccination for their pets (i.e., collar tags or docs) before entrance. Lifeguards will be on...