Board update: Dues letters in the mail, new format coming for directory, Beerfest and Chili Cookoff combined!

Annual dues invoices hitting the mail this week The Eagle Nest Property Owners Association hopes everyone’s New Year is off to a happy and healthy start. Now that 2023 is well underway, it’s time to focus on expenses for the year ahead – and it starts with this year’s annual dues notice. The letter contains your total amount due, information about how to obtain your pool tags, and how a portion of your dues will be used for a long-term capital improvement. Please watch your mailbox this week for your annual invoice. The deadline for payment is 5 p.m. May 1. If we have your email address on file, you will receive a weblink to pay electronically. If you choose this payment method and want pool tags, however, you still need to fill out the paper form mailed to you and drop it in the secure Clubhouse roadside mailbox by May 1. Please make your check payable to ENPOA and mail it along with the completed Pool tags form on the back to Eagle Nest Property Owners Association, 8075 Teel Way, Ind...