Reminder to call 911: Suspicious man photographs home on Tanager Lane

A warning to residents: An unidentified man was spotted photographing or taking video of a home in the 8300 block of Tanager Lane last week. The resident was not home at the time but captured several photos of the man with a front door security camera (see attached). The resident reported that no deliveries were expected (sometimes Amazon personnel take photos of packages to document delivery), so it is not known what business the man may have been representing or why he was on this particular part of the street. As previously noted on your favorite neighborhood blog, if you see something suspicious -- anything -- call 911 immediately. The emergency number is not just to call for fire trucks, paramedics or car accidents. Police encourage residents to call 911 anytime there is suspicious activity, because they would rather prevent illegal activity instead of responding after the fact. Better safe than sorry, as the saying goes.