Save the date: Annual Easter Egg Hunt is 1-2 p.m. Saturday, April 8

Save the date, then join us: Our annual Easter Egg Hunt, a longtime Eagle Nest family tradition, will be 1-2 p.m. Saturday, April 8. Hunt begins promptly at 1:10 p.m.* Bring the kids and grandkids to gather candy-filled eggs around the Clubhouse and Playground area, compliments of the Board (weather permitting). What to bring: egg basket and your cell phone for great family pics! Group photo: After the hunt, gather on the Clubhouse steps for a photo with all our little Eagle Nesters. Special ask: Please use caution entering and exiting the Clubhouse parking lot, as we likely will have little people darting around. * Ages 4 and younger begin the hunt, with all older kids a couple minutes later. Questions? Want to help? Email Board President Scott Thien at The Eagle Nest Board