Pool opens Sunday, May 28, noon to 8 p.m. Remember your Pool tags!

That's right -- o ur Pool officially opens for the season at noon Sunday, May 28. We'll be open noon to 8 p.m. daily through Labor Day. Sunday b onus: We’ll have free popsicles for the kids (adult versions, too!), hotdogs and snack bags while supplies last. (No food, no glass on the Pool deck, please. Click here for complete Pool rules .) Also, if you received Pool tags please present them upon entry. If you are among the several dozen residents who still haven't paid or recently paid (it takes time to process and clear checks), please sign in with the guards for a one-time courtesy pass to enjoy our facility. If you paid but still don't have tags, it's possible you have a property lot violation that needs to be corrected. Contact Board President Scott Thien about that at scottthien@comcast.net . Eagle Nest is lucky to have such a valuable recreation asset, especially when you consider Indianapolis can only afford to staff eight of its 17 public pools for the entire...