June Board Update: Pool fobs and baby pool, dues recap, lawn mowing reminder, Curb Appeal Awards and more!

Summer has arrived in Eagle Nest, and the big neighborhood news is the opening of the Pool! Following is your June Board Update for more on that, as well as a few other need-to-know nuggets: Pool security fobs: Overwhelmingly positive support: That best sums up resident reaction to our new security fob system at the Pool this season. To date, nearly 300 of our 419 lot owners have picked up their fobs, a great indication of neighborhood appreciation for of our facility. To obtain your fob, you must contact Board VP Jason Van Meter jpvanmeter@sbcglobal.net or 317-755-7550 to make drop-off arrangements and sign a waiver/acceptance form. Fobs will only be issued to residents whose annual dues are paid in full and whose properties are clear of any covenant violations. For general Pool questions, please contact Pool Manager Sam Burns at samanthaburns51@gmail.com or 317-372-4329. As a reminder, our Pool rules are available on the blog . Huge thanks go out to Jason and his wife and Bookkeep...