Eagle Nest resident recovers lost dog after blog posting

Have you seen this dog? Somebody in our neighborhood did -- and thanks to your handy Eagle Nest blog the lost pet has returned home to its owners. Last week, Eagle Nest resident (and former longtime Secretary) Terry Siegel sent a message thanking the board for posting an item about Maggie, her 25-pound Boston Terrier who apparently got out recently and was AWOL: "Hi ... Guess what? The dog has been found! A neighbor saw the post on the blog site and knew a neighbor in Copperfield who had found a dog last week. It was Maggie! Thanks so much for posting!" Thanks to Eagle Nest blog postings, this is the second lost pet (see July 11 posting) that has found a home in our neighborhood. Please keep that in mind the next time you see a lost animal or discover yours is missing. The Eagle Nest blog stands ready to assist!