Holiday Lights winners 2014!

With so many colorful holiday lights in Eagle Nest, it was very hard for Social Committee members to choose a winner for this year's Holiday Lights Contest. In the end, this year's winner turned out to be Tom and Cindy Corbett , 8250 Warbler Way (above). Their festive display included a Santa in a tree, which added humor, but their Christmas geese sealed the win! They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Target. The runner-up home was the home of Norma Leverenz , 8232 Osprey Circle. Judging committee members loved Olaf! Deserving mention again were our 2012 winners, Brian and Brandy Schneider, 8331 Mockingbird Lane, who lit up their corner magnificently! The 2013 winners were Jeff and Renee Schwegman, 7818 Mallard, and the runner-ups were Jim and Kim Hardie, 7509 Teel Way. About one-third of homes were decorated for the holiday this year. Thank you to everyone who made our neighborhood a warm and welcoming place! -- Submitted by Alice Miley