Board Update: Our first “Meet the Neighbors” feature, Crime Watch meeting February 2, annual dues statements in mail

Hello Eagle Nest residents, Here’s a look at neighborhood news for the week of February 1: RSVP FOR TUESDAY’S CRIME WATCH MEETING AT CLUBHOUSE Want in on Tuesday’s 7 p.m. Crime Watch meeting at the Clubhouse? We still have room -- about a dozen residents already have confirmed their attendance. In addition to neighborhood crime updates, the in-person meeting will focus on cyber security best practices. If you shop or bank online, don’t miss this free educational opportunity. To reserve your spot, email ENPOA chair Carolyn Goldenetz at . Bonus: We’ll have individualized sandwiches, snacks and gift card drawings. Facemask required to attend. Thank you for your cooperation. For those who can’t make it or don’t feel comfortable with in-person meetings, IMPD North officials plan an unrelated public Zoom meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. The meeting will provide area updates and a Q&A with residents. Register at: