Board Update: Leaf pickup schedule, Chef TLC on Tuesday, holiday Clubhouse rentals, Crime Watch meeting October 6

Eagle Nest residents, Here’s a look at neighborhood news for the week of September 28: INDY DPW ANNOUNCES 2020 LEAF PICKUP DATES: Now that fall is here, it won’t be long before many of us are in the yard raking and bagging leaves. Be sure to save these key Eagle Nest leaf pickup dates, per the Indianapolis Department of Public Works: Pickup is every Tuesday, beginning November 10. Pickup ends Tuesday, December 1. Following are DPW guidelines for pickup: Place leaves in plastic bags. Paper bags are permitted, but they can deteriorate and break apart in wet weather. DPW may not pick up broken bags. Keep bags at least three feet away from your trash cart for easy pickup. Leaf bags should be outside by 7 a.m. on our normal trash day each Tuesday. While you’re raking, do your fellow neighbors a solid and clear leaves from storm drain inlets to prevent drainage and flooding problems. Remember, burning leaves is illegal in Marion County. Last year, DPW collected about 4,800 tons of leaves fr...