Board Update: Neighborhood news sources, new food truck on Tuesday, Labor Day pool closure, free popsicles

Eagle Nest residents, Here is what’s happening in the neighborhood the week of August 31: OFFICIAL NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS: As many of you probably know, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet -- including social media and fake news. That’s why the Board reminds residents that official Eagle Nest news is only available on these three platforms: Eagle Nest Blog: Facebook: Constant Contact: To join our weekly blast, send an email to . (Residents only) We know Next Door and Slack are popular, for example, but they aren’t official platforms for neighborhood business or updates, largely because we don’t want our communications overtaken by advertising, irrelevant content and comments from non-residents. The Board doesn’t monitor any other platforms, so if you have questions or concerns, please use our official communication avenues. TUESDAY’S FOOD TRUCK: We’re excited to welcom...