Board update: Annual Meeting tonight, food truck on Tuesday, Bittern Lane vehicle break-in, pool reminder

Eagle Nest residents, As we close out the month of June, following are a few quick neighborhood updates and reminders: Annual Meeting and Board Election: Today, Monday, June 29, is the Annual Meeting and Board Election, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Residents in good standing are welcome to attend; ballots need to be dropped in the Clubhouse mailbox, 8075 Teel Way, or delivered in person at the meeting. Write-in candidates are welcome, but all write-ins must be present during the Annual Meeting to accept their nomination. Meeting attendees are encouraged to wear face masks. Seating will be socially distanced. Vehicle break-in reported: On Saturday night/early Sunday morning, a locked truck in the 8100 block of Bittern Lane as broken into (rear door window was broken) and some items were taken. If you park your vehicles outside, make sure you lock the doors, keep all valuables out of sight and turn on your exterior porch lights. It's summer, so petty crime ...